WaPaC là phần mềm tự động đổi hình nền ở Today hoặc Sense dành cho các thiết bị Windows Mobile.
The program is not a beta anymore, but still under development and may contains some bugs.
Changes in 1.3
The program is now compatible with CHT 1.8.X. You can change the wallpaper of the Home tab, All tab and CHT Lockscreen.
When you plug your phone to USB with Mass Storage settings, and the needed folder is not available to the WaPaC (or you deleted a selected folder), the app not crash.
Context menu added to the Selected Folders list to remove folders (if the folder is not available anymore, etc.)
The application is pops up a warning in the case you not select any UI, when you want to save the settings (not when you uncheck all).
Changes in 1.21
The folder changing bug fixed (when you tap on a folder and jumped to an other in the selected one)
Changes in 1.2
Redesigned interface
Separated setting for "Change on Windows start" (If you have an earlier version installed, then you need to uncheck and save, then recheck and save the "Start with Windows" option, because the shortcut contents is changed)
You can choose Minutes or Hours format at Interval settings
Interval changed to 5-1440 minutes or 1 to 24 hours
"Change NOW" button added
"Change only in idle state" option added (This means, if you're using the phone (the backlight is on) in the time when the scheduled change comes, the changing is delayed)
Maximum selectable folder number is 100
Changes in 1.1ß
- Folderselection is now free
- Maximum picture number changed to 10000/folder
- No need to refresh the list when you put new pictures in a selected folder
- Selected folders list stored and displayed after start and easy to modify.
- You can add a folder to the selected folders list by checking the checkbox near the folder's name. You can remove by the same method.
The program's not listing the directories with the following names:
- Windows
- Program Files
- Application data
- ConnMgr
- Documents and Settings
- Temp
Changes in 1.03ß (1.02 skipped, because some real trouble):
- S2U2 background change added (not tested)
- Settings saving corrected (HKCU\Software\WaPaC\)
- Interval steps changed to 5 mins
- Settings application supports all resolutions (tested on VGA, QVGA, WQVGA, WVGA, Square)
Changes in 1.01ß
- Start with Windows option problem fixed
- Clear Sense Background option added
- maximum 10000 pictures from multiple folders
- changeable interval from 10 to 720 minutes (12 hours)
- chooseable user interface to change background (Today and Sense)
- same wallpaper for the 2 UI or not
- start with Windows possibility
- not use memory at all, the changing starts with schedule and then quit
- separate settings application (only WVGA resolution supported yet)
- you can start/stop the scheduling in the settings app
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